Sunday, 24 November 2013

Client Project - Short walk cycle

I'm getting there..slowly but surely...

And looking at the curves in the graph editor hurts my eyes.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Client Project - Some more progress...

Trying to keep my model as simple as possible:

This should be finished by tomorrow...I hope...

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Client Project - I have a lion (:

After days of messing around with the interactive skin bind and all sorts of problems to go with it...

Excuse my lack of imagination for posing..and lack of proper lighting..but just a quick render of how he looks!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Client Project - Rigged and (nearly) ready to animate

Blend shapes, done.

Pre-rig, done.

Rigged character, done.

Just need to finish off the skin weighting! I was having problems earlier with the interactive bind..but having just watched my tutors video tutorials I think I may have found out where I went wrong...oops. Nearly there!
Quick scan of what I'm thinking my arcade machine will look like too:

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Client Project - Unwrapped & Painted!

I could've done with doing this a little quicker...or just generally being a little more productive today, but at least he's properly painted now (:


I forgot to add his eyes in before I took the screenshots...onto blend shapes and rigging next...and some more modelling...

Friday, 1 November 2013

Client Project - quick paint job

Just a rough idea of how he'll look painted..

I was hoping I could get away with just painting straight in Mudbox without unwrapping my model in Maya, but there are some pretty visible seams that I don't think I'll be able to get away with. Back to Maya it is...

A bit more reshaping...

After a lot more reshaping...and about 20 minutes worth of panicking after finding triangles in my model...ta-dah!

I think a bit more work to his mouth and a tail and I'll be done with the modelling. Hopefully..I'll be able to start unwrapping tomorrow! Fingers crossed...