Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Client Project - (Semi) Finished Piece

I can't say I wasn't tearing my hair out in the last couple of days before the deadline...

I 'modified' my idea 3 days before the deadline after realising I would never have enough time to finish what I had originally planned to do, so 'Nottingham Loves Events at Old Market Square' quickly became 'Nottingham Loves Game City' (purely because I had the arcade machine built and ready to animate...and it has 'GameCity' plastered on the side of it...)
Even after changing my topic though, I was still quite short on time, so I have some sound effects..and admittedly, my camera shots are pretty rubbish. I'm planning on working on these things over the holidays so that I can resubmit.
I'm honestly gutted that I had to change so much of what I wanted to originally do, but I guess that's just the way it turned out to be. I am happy with what I managed to get done in the short time I had left but definitely needs a lot (a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot) of improvement.
For now...(excuse the bad quality..I don't feel like this should be uploaded anywhere else atm..)